Living a life fueled by good eats and extreme fitness.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another round of suicide (workout) Saturdays

I was so happy to be back this week for my favorite workout of the week, Suicide Saturdays! I was a little groggy rolling out of bed, but got going quickly by making myself my green smoothie and slurping that down with my morning vitamins. I laced up my sneaks and headed to the local high school, because we were going to have a fun track workout like some of the previous weeks. Since I had missed last week when they were at Dead Game gym I felt like running outside and stretching my legs a little. It was such a beautiful day too, maybe I could lose some of the farmer’s tans I am beginning to develop.

When I got there, my trainer Chris, had us warm up with some easy laps and then explained to us our doom. We would start with a jog around the track to the middle where this concrete slab lay in the grass. After completing 10 pushups, run around the curve to the bleachers and do the 6 sets of zig zagged stairs till you reached the other side of the bleachers. Once that’s done we hopped back down to the track and did five wind sprints back and forth (about 25 yards each) and made our way to the BIG stairs. The BIG stairs are three sets of stairs that are just laid up this massive hill on the side of the track. We had to run them five times, but each time you made it to the top you did 10 squats with a jump. Once you finished that you ran around the track back to the concrete slab to repeat four times.

Whew….it was a toughie but I needed it considering those Guinness Cupcakes I made the night before. They didn’t last long in a house with a lonely, cupcake crazy fiend, yes, that would be me. After this crazy workout I sadly had to go into work and work a volume shift, which basically meant they could keep me until they saw fit. They saw fit at 10pm last night and my legs were aching. Thankfully, nothing a little fro-yo can’t fix though. Really took the sting and burn off, and just made me happy J. Now. It’s Sunday and time to do laundry, clean the house, and maybe make some lemon bars! Mike gets home tonight from North Carolina and I am picking him up from the airport, can’t wait to see him!

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