Living a life fueled by good eats and extreme fitness.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New York, here we come...

Well...not quite yet, but the official countdown has begun. I can see the shining light at the end of the tunnel. All my projects are finished, tests taken, and the only obstacles standing in my way are packing and the two nights of work waiting for me. However, in the midst of all this, Mike got some amazing news today. He got his first offer from a very prestigious restaurant to go and manage in Jacksonville Florida. I am so proud of him and all the effort he has put into finding a job. He still has a couple of other jobs to hear back from but it is exciting knowing there are jobs out there.

So back to the packing part. I am one of those people who has to be in a certain mood to start even pulling my suitcase out. I am extremely OCD and put everything in their proper bags and compartments and I am just not ready to do that yet so I am going to take baby steps and do laundry. This will at least give me an array of clean clothes to choose from later. I am super excited for Mom and my trip to New York, I keep daydreaming about all we are going to do.

The first night we fly into New York we are going straight to see the musical "Wicked." Let me explain my crazy obsession with anything and everything Broadway related. As my former roommates, friends, and Mike can vouch, I LOVE THEM! If life could be one big musical where no matter what emotion or event people are going through, they could just burst out into a cleverly written song and well choreographed dance, I feel this world would be rid of most of it's problems. (I think you just got an inside to how I would run the world if given the chance.) Hopefully I won't embarrass myself or my mom too much by mouthing every word and bobbing my head to all the songs.

I wish I could say the things I am looking forward to seeing most are the statues and monumental landmarks like The Statue of Liberty or The Empire State Building but my main goal is to eat as much as as I possibly can in the time frame allotted. New York has some of the most famous restaurants to offer anywhere. I would try and list them all but I would end up writing a novel. Let's just say I am bringing my running shoes and plan to do some morning miles in that hotel gym! Other than that I just want to get lost in everything New York culture and have a wonderful week with my amazing mom! She truly is my best friend and what better way to spend a spring break than with your best friend in the world's mecca for fun? Here's to New York!
If you look close you can see all the food I will be eating... haha.

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