Living a life fueled by good eats and extreme fitness.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Playing Hookie Never Tasted Sooo Good!

Normally I don't just blow off my classes to stuff my face full of amazing breakfast foods, however, this morning was going to have to be an exception. Let me preface this story by telling you it all started yesterday when numerous Facebook status updates of my friends bragged about the abundance of free pancakes they were enjoying compliments of "IHOP's Free Pancake Day." I complained to Mike how much I loved pancakes and that I thought we should participate in this "once a year treat" because we never do our traditionally Sunday morning breakfasts anymore due to him cooking mass quantities of brunch food for the rest of Tallahassee at the restaurant he works at. Unfortunately, we both had to decline because our schedules just wouldn't allow for such a thing. Sad as I was, I knew it wasn't either of our faults, it just wasn't in the cards for the busy lives we live.

To my delightful surprise though, when Mike got off work last night he made the very thoughtful suggestion of having our very own "Pancake Day" this morning and just missing our first class which we have attended everyday of since the start of the semester, so we didn't feel too bad about it. You don't have to pull my arm...I was in and totally stoked for the morning. Sure beats waking up at 8 am to learn about Lodging, can you say snore fest?

This morning we snoozed until 9 am (I know, we slept in, but if your gonna be bad might as well do it right) and when we got up Mike began the batter. A couple of years ago I had picked up a "Health Magazine" in Publix because of the interesting recipes it promised on the cover. One of them being "The Healthiest Pancake in the World". This was intriguing to me so I tried the recipe and it has been love ever since. These pancakes are so amazing, they make you want to cry, okay maybe not thaaaat awesome, but they are pretty tasty.

Here is the original recipe, but the link above should be clearer.

Pancake batter before adding the oatty goodness.
Mike is such a great boyfriend and knew how much this meant to me so he did the whole thing by himself while I watched "Teen Mom 2" on the couch and had a lazy morning. He makes a mean pancake though, I don't think I could have done them better.
We like to make dollar sized ones to feel like you can have more.

Mike wouldn't let me take his picture so this is how much I could snap of him...photogenic no??

I was so excited, and they smelled so good that I filled my plate before Mike was even done flipping all the Oatty Pancakes. 
I remembered to snap a photo before shoveling these down. 
I have always been weird when it comes to syrup though, or dressings for that matter. I don't like soggy things ie. salads and pancakes so I always put dressings, and in this case syrup, on the side. I also found this awesome "Brummel and Brown Yogurt Butter" that takes the place of high fatty butter and has only 40 calories per 2 tablespoons. It tastes just like butter, but is yogurt, and works in place of many things that calls for butter. It can also be melted down if need be. 

After eating an undisclosed amount (it was a lot) I laced up my sneakers and headed to campus to run all this off. Luckily, the oats gave me plenty of energy to clock some strong miles. It is such a beautiful day out, I guess I'll start coming around to this Spring stuff. Here's to some awesome farmer and sunglasses tans!

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