Living a life fueled by good eats and extreme fitness.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Really dude?!? Not cool...

Normally I won't write posts about negative things, but I just have to get this rant out in the open. My day today, thus far, was going great. Typical Tuesday, filled with classes, a random law exam, some good eats (especially those energy balls I have in the fridge, can you say ADDICTING??) and best of all, I had off from work tonight so Melissa's Crazy Kickboxing Madness was on my list.

Now, when you work as much as I do, you tend to look forward to the little things. I don't go on lavish trips often, or even get to celebrate most holidays, (sorry if this sounds like a pity party for me) but I am okay with that. The things I like are baking, (and eating...not going to lie,) painting my nails almost every other day, I realize this sounds a bit OCD, and going to workout classes. I consider classes my "Clubbing" if you will. They have fun, upbeat music, like a club, only you don't leave with a gross feeling of intoxication and some random guy whose name you can't remember. So on the off chances I get to go to Melissa's classes, which are only held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don't even hesitate.

Today I got all prepared with my cute Lululemon shorts and my beloved shin splint wraps that look oh so stylish and headed out early so I could find parking and get a good spot in class. First of all, you must understand, this class gets packed. There have been regulars that have been going since it started and try not to miss a single class. I understand and respect this fact, however, here is my main issue that I am revolving this post about. If I get to a class 45 minutes early, on purpose, and pick a spot no one is occupying, I plan on staying in that spot for the class. Just because you get to class one minute before it starts Mr. Man and slowly put your stuff where I am and stand one foot away from me, doesn't sit well with me.

I am going to say this as nicely as I can, in a kickboxing class, I don't like to share my space. Being the staggering 5 feet tall that I am, I realize it doesn't take that much space for me to have adequate room to do punches and kicks, so why the squeeze dude? I get to be here maybe one out of the two classes held a week and I think I deserve my 4 foot by 4 foot box that I came 45 minutes early for. Sadly, he won the battle tonight...but the war wages on.

Okay, I got that off my chest. I feel much better now. The AC guys came and fixed out hot box house today so I am relaxing the rest of my night with my freshly painted nails in OPI for Sephora's "Let's Do Lunch." I can't wait for Mike to get off of work so we can watch "boy's week" of American Idol. Also, I haven't mentioned this yet because of all the other crazy things happening lately, but for Spring Break I will finally be leaving Tallahassee (I think I'm going to cry and do the Macarena all at one time) and be having what I will refer to as "Mom and Hil's Extremely Fantastical Girl's Week to NEW YORK CITY." More on this to come in upcoming posts. I cannot wait.

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